Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Minangkabau History

According to legend the name ‘Minangkabau’ originates from several meanings, but the most popular origin is from the ‘Victorious Buffalo’. As the story goes a long time ago the Minang people of West Sumatra were threatened by an attack from a huge army from the neighboring Java, with the Minang army greatly outnumbered the Minang elders undertook a meeting and came up with a plan. They proposed a contest between two buffaloes to substitute armed combats between the two armies. The Javanese agreed and imported an enormous buffalo from Java. To the surprise of the attackers, the Minang brought out nothing more than a tiny calf. But what they did not know was that the baby calf was half starving and to its little snout was tied a razor sharp dagger. As the calf nuzzled the belly of the large buffalo, mistaking it for its mother it gored and killed the giant beast. The Javanese withdrew defeated. Since that time The Minang people have taken the name “Minangkabau”.

The traditional way the land of Minangkabau divides in Luhak (origin) and Rantau. Luhak covered an area of Tanah Datar, Agam and 50 Koto called Luhak Nan Tigo. Meanwhile Rantau covered an area of East Rantau and Coast Rantau. Some of the famous Rantau are Solok, Pariaman, Padang, Pesisir Selatan, Riau, Jambi, and Negeri Sembilan (Malaysia).

The Minangkabau are an intensely matriarchal people. Women control and inherit family property and the names and various traditions are passed down along the maternal line. Uncles, aunts, nieces and nephews all play very important roles in the family structure. In the days past, families lived in huge “Rumah Gadang” or a long house which is not referring to its big size, but it refers to the big function of the house altogether at times of happiness or sorrow, discussing and making any problem in the clan, weddings and the inauguration of the clan chief.

The Mingkabau people in their life use the philosophy “The Whole of Nature Becomes The Teacher” and because generally the people are obedient Muslims and practice their traditions firmly, the religion and the traditions are integrated into the of life of the community as the proverb “Tradition based on Religion, and The Religion based on Al-Quran” states.

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